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Tuesday 3 January 2012

What are doing boss?

Good Boss, Bad Boss: 20 Bad Habits Leaders Should Stop Doing Now

 “We spend a lot of time teaching leaders what to do. Wedon’t spend enough time teaching leaders what to stop.Half the leaders I have met don’t need to learn what to do.They need to learn what to stop.”
—Management expert Peter Drucker, as quoted by Marshall Goldsmith in What Got You Here Won’t Get You There,

Almost all of us delude ourselves about our workplace achievements, status and contributions. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can certainly mislead us when we are told we need to change.
It can be challenging for high-level executives to improve their interpersonal skills. We tend to believe the habits that have helped us rack up achievements in the past will continue to foster success in the future.
But as the title of his recent book asserts, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, according to executive coach Marshall Goldsmith.
The more frequently you are promoted to higher levels of executive responsibility, the more important your interpersonal relationship skills are to your success—and the more challenging it is to change bad habits.

It’s natural for successful people to believe that what contributed to their past accomplishments will continue to work for them. They also assume that they can—and will—succeed, no matter what. “Just give me a goal, and let the games begin!” they think to themselves.
But when it comes to changing the way we interact with our peers and direct reports, we often fail to recognize the steps required for ongoing results. Part of this stems from healthy denial, while part may be sheer ignorance. Only when confronted with performance or promotional issues do we begin to open our minds to change. This usually triggers emotional hot buttons of self-interest.

Four Hot Buttons of Change

Four common values motivate people to change:
1. Money
2. Power
3. Status
4. Popularity
These are the standard payoffs for success. Having achieved many of these goals, high-level executives focus on leaving a legacy, becoming an inspired role model or creating a great company as their motivation to change. But the hot buttons of self-interest remain embedded.

Discovering What’s Wrong
Identifying the bad leadership habits you’ve accumulated over your career is a task that requires astute investigation, usually through a 360-degree assessment and interviews. When gathering and giving feedback, the interviewer must be sensitive, providing reassurances of confidentiality. Usually, an experienced executive coach will deliver such  feedback in a way that prevents you from becoming defensive. This allows you to hear it without taking a huge ego hit.
Ask anyone who works about bosses, and you’ll hear ready recollections of the two types they’ve worked for: the ones they’ve loved and the ones they couldn’t wait to escape. When asked for a list of defining qualities, most people identify the following attributes:1

Good Boss                     Bad Boss

Great listener                              Blank wall
Encourager                                 Doubter
Communicator                             Secretive
Courageous                                Intimidating
Sense of humor                           Bad temper
Shows empathy                           Self-centered
Decisive                                     Indecisive
Takes responsibility                      Blames
Humble                                      Arrogant
Shares authority                          Mistrusts

According to Social Intelligence author Daniel Goleman, work groups in dozens of countries, across all professions, will produce similar lists. The best bosses are those who are trustworthy, empathic and who connect with us. They make us feel calm, appreciated and inspired.
The worst bosses are distant, difficult and arrogant. They make us feel uneasy, at best, and resentful, at worst. Understanding the defining qualities of bad bosses doesn’t really explain how their subordinates developed their perceptions. It often takes several faulty interactions to establish a perception. It may be glaringly obvious that a boss is arrogant; more often, however, impressions build up over time, based on unintended and misaligned interactions.

Habits That Hold You Back

Before we can discuss how to deal with counterproductive behaviors, we must identify the most common problem areas. This special breed of flaws centers on how we interact with other people.
Please note: We’re not talking about deficiencies in skill or intelligence. By the time you are promoted to a high level of responsibility in your organization, you’ve already demonstrated sufficient competencies and office smarts.
The most common bad leadership habits aren’t personality flaws, either—although it may sometimes appear so. Remedying them doesn’t require medication or therapy.
What we are really dealing with here are challenges in interpersonal behavior—the egregious annoyances that make the workplace substantially more noxious than necessary. These faults do not occur in isolation; they involve one person interacting with another.
Goldsmith compiled the following list of negative habits after years of working with top executives in Fortune 500 companies. Some of the qualities cited are subtle, while others are glaringly obvious. Often, they may not appear to be harmful on the surface; in reality, they’re bona fide detriments.

1. Winning too much. The need to win at all costs and in all situations—when it matters and even when it doesn’t, when it’s totally beside the point.

2. Adding too much value. The overwhelming desire to add our two cents to every discussion.

3. Passing judgment. The need to rate others and impose our standards on them.

4. Making destructive comments. The needless sarcasm and cutting remarks that we think make us sound sharp and witty.

5. Starting with “no,” “but” or “however.” The overuse of these negative qualifiers, which secretly convey to everyone, “I’m right. You’re wrong.”

6. Telling the world how smart we are. The need to show people we’re smarter than they think we are.

7. Speaking when angry. Using emotional volatility as a management tool.

8. Negativity (“Let me explain why that won’t work.”). The need to share our negative thoughts,

9. Withholding information. The refusal to share information so we can maintain an advantage over others.

10. Failing to give proper recognition. The inability to praise and reward.

11. Claiming credit we do not deserve. The most annoying way to overestimate our contribution to any success.

12. Making excuses. The need to reposition our annoying behavior as a permanent fixture so people will excuse us for it.

13. Clinging to the past. The need to deflect blame Likewise, when we fail to give recognition, claim away from ourselves and onto events and people from our past; a subset of blaming everyone else.

14. Playing favorites. Failing to see that we are are two sides of the same coin. treating someone unfairly.

15. Refusing to express regret. The inability to take responsibility for our actions, admit we’re wrong or recognize how our actions affect others.

16. Not listening. The most passive-aggressive form angry, play favorites or punish the messenger, we are of disrespect for our colleagues.

17. Failing to express gratitude. The most basic There’s nothing wrong with sharing or withholding form of bad manners.

18. Punishing the messenger. The misguided need to withhold them. It’s therefore vital to consider to attack the innocent who, usually, are only trying whether information-sharing is appropriate. to help us.

19. Passing the buck. The need to blame everyone unequivocally helps another person. Communication becomes inappropriate when we go too far or risk but ourselves. hurting someone.

20. An excessive need to be “me.” Exalting our faults as virtues, simply because they embody who When sharing information or emotion, ask yourself: we are.
This is a scary group of bad behaviors, according to Goldsmith. Luckily, most people exhibit only one or These two questions serve as the guidelines for two simultaneously. anything you do or say.

The other good news?
These bad habits are easy to break. The cure for failing to express gratitude is remembering to say they think we “thank you.” For not apologizing, it’s learning to say,“I’m sorry. I’ll do better next time.” For punishing the messenger, it’s imagining how you would want to be treated under similar circumstances. For not listening, it’s keeping your mouth shut and your ears open.
Making such changes is not difficult. Most people even when we haven’t been asked to do so lose sight of the many daily opportunities to correct  these behaviors.

Information Compulsion

Study these 20 bad habits, and you’ll see that half are rooted in information compulsion. Most of us have an overwhelming need to tell others something they don’t know, even when it’s not in their best interest. When we add value, pass judgment, announce that we “already knew that” or explain “why that won’t work,” we are compulsively sharing information.

These bad habits are easy to break. The cure for  failing to express gratitude is remembering to say to


Other bad habits are rooted in emotion, causing a different kind of compulsion. When we get succumbing to emotion.
credit we don’t deserve, refuse to apologize or neglect to express our gratitude, we are withholding information. Sharing and withholding information
information or emotion. In fact, it’s often necessary Appropriate information encompasses anything that
• Is this appropriate?
• How much should I share?
These two questions serve as the guidelines anything you do or say.

How to Change a Bad Habit

If you recognize yourself on the list of 20 bad habits, you can do something about it. Fortunately, it’s easier to stop doing something than to undergo a major personality transformation.
But the road to change is paved with difficulties. It’s hard to let go of firmly ingrained behaviors.
Furthermore, even though you may make some progress, it’s challenging to change the perceptions of others who have become so used to your bad behaviors that they may not even notice your efforts to improve for quite a long time.
One way to facilitate on-the-job change is to ask for help from a select group of peers. Here are some additional guidelines.

1. Get good information about what needs to change. A 360-degree feedback assessment is usually an effective means of determining how others perceive you. A qualified, experienced executive coach can help you obtain accurate feedback from your peers, bosses and direct reports.

2. Once you’ve identified a bad habit you would like to change, work with your coach to implement a plan of action. Get involved with a small group of colleagues with whom you can work to make improvements.

3. Apologize to people for your behavior, ask them to let go of the past, and tell them you are going to stop engaging in the bad habit. Ask them to let you know how you are doing, and when you fail or succeed.

4. Listen to their input, and thank them for helping you. Arrange follow-ups with them after a predetermined time interval.

“Dr: Maynard Brusman is a consulting psychologist and trusted advisor to the senior leadership team. He is the president of Working Resources, a talent management consulting, training and executive coaching firm. We help companies assess, select, coach and retain top talent. We specialize in executive selection, competency modeling, succession planning, leadership consulting, 360-degree feedback, change management, emotional intelligence, culture surveys, career development and leadership coaching.
Dr. Brusman is a highly sought-after speaker and workshop leader. He facilitates mission, values, and vision retreats.
“Maynard Brusman is one of the foremost coaches in the United States. He utilizes a wide variety of assessments in his work with senior executives and upper level managers, and is adept at helping his clients both develop higher levels of emotional intelligence and achieve breakthrough business results. As a senior leader in the executive coaching field, Dr. Brusman brings an exceptional level of wisdom, energy, and creativity to his work.” — Jeffrey E. Auerbach, Ph.D., President, College of Executive Coaching
He has been chosen as an expert to appear on radio and TV, and in the Wall Street Journal and Fast Company.”

Working Resources
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Website: www.workingresources.comWorking Resources

Dr. Maynard Brusman
Consulting Psychologist and Executive Coach
Mail: P.O. Box 471525
San Francisco, California 94147-1525

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