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Monday 2 January 2012

Where will you go?

Reported by Nay Tun Naing+ Yu Lwin Soe+ Aye Pa Pa Translated and Edited by MWT+ KAK+ MYA

Working overseas jobs or studying abroad is a trendy egress to establish a prosperous life for Myanmar youth and middle-aged persons of the country since a decade ago.

However, these tendencies have many difficulties at present if compared with those in the past. Major destination countries for Myanmar youth are now restricting visa application processes, stay permits, etc. Myanmar expatriate students and migrant workers are now recounting their difficulties they faced in the respective countries.

Possible predicaments abroad are challenging the would-be migrant workers who are not well-off and are planning to establish a secure life rather than affordable persons.

“I had experienced many difficulties in Malaysia. Employment agents exploited our salaries from factories. Payments were overdue. We were allowed to work at a single factory only one year although the demand letter of Myanmar agents granted us to work there for two consecutive years. After we got extension of work permits after one year, we were employed at restaurants and hotels as cleaning workers. We could not enjoy reasonable salaries and labor rights while we were working in factories,” said U Zaw Win who returned from Malaysia after working there for five years.

“I am not okay in this country. As there are many illegal migrant workers here, we are quite relieved. But the income rate is low. Although I cannot save much money until now, I can get a lot of working experiences here. Before someone intends to come here, he should develop the skills of language and works, inspiration for studying, honesty with common senses and endurance,” said Ko Pyae Phoy Win.

Singapore is also a country where most of the Myanmar workers are working as in Malaysia. In Singapore, there are many job opportunities for skillful workers who are good at modern technologies and engineering subjects. There are some chances for education while working in that country. Permanent Residency (PR) can also be applied there. Due to these advantages, Myanmar migrants prefer Singapore.

“Jobs become limited for Myanmar migrants in Singapore. Policy changes of its government are also the reason for this problem. Singaporeans are complaining their government through online about the priority of job opportunities for them and to restrict inflows of foreign workers into their country. This topic is also discussed at the Singapore Parliament. At the moment, Singapore government is rejecting the application for PR by the expatriate students who have completed the courses of Polytechnic diplomas and post-graduate diplomas in that country. PR certificates have been suspended for the children of Myanmar expatriate parents. Singapore government has announced the formation of a special department to scrutinize the affairs of migrants. In some cases, the applications for S Pass and EP (Employment Pass) were also refused although the workers have been employed by the employers. The situations of employees who hold WP (Work Permit) are not too bad. Difficulties become noticeable for the middle class jobs. It seems that such restrictions will continue until the upcoming Singapore General Elections in 2010,” according to Ma Pandora in Singapore.

“Before someone comes to Singapore not for education but for job, they should first enquire about the actual situation of jobs in this country. Fluency in English will be beneficial to secure a job. Singaporeans believe that English language skills of Myanmar people are relatively bad when compared with other nationalities. Conspiring with job brokers, immoral employers lay off some migrant workers sometimes after one or two months they have been employed. Tuition fees are soaring in Singapore. The potential expatriate students should keep in mind first that they are not sure to get PR certificate although they have completed a certain education course. Only then, they should decide whether they should join the colleges and universities in Singapore. Moreover, they should enquire the ranking of intended colleges or universities and the extent of recognition to the certificates conferred by these education facilities. Students are to be cautious about enticement of persuaders,” said Ma Pandora.

While some Myanmar people are now migrating regional countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, some others are going to the Middle East nations such as Dubai and Qatar for jobs. However, most of Myanmar workers are working as salespersons and manual labors in these countries. These workers are now experiencing the exploitation of employers and different local customs and traditions of the host countries.

“There are many migrant workers from Myanmar and the Philippines in Dubai. Some of them who can live in moderation with lifestyles of that country do not face many difficulties. Security of female migrants also depends on themselves. For example, females can walk into nightclubs free of charge on Friday. If they are too drunk at clubs as they felt depressed or troubled in mind or happy, they may be harassed on the way back home late in the night. Female migrants should not stay in that country for many years. The customs and traditions of that country are very different from those of our land. Jobs are much insecure for salespersons. Despite income is quite attractive in that country, the deduction of brokerage to secure job and high living costs left only a few amount of salary each month,” said a young Myanmar migrant woman in Dubai.

There are many Myanmar expatriate workers who are working as manual labors at the construction sites in Qatar. Most of them experienced tricks of job brokers and exploitation of their employers.

Ko Aung Htike who is working in Qatar said, “Employment agency in Myanmar did not clearly state the type of job for me in Qatar. Instead, they told me to earn attractive income, to go abroad easily and to get visa immediately. Then I signed the bond for agreement. Unexpectedly, I was employed as manual labor here. When I complained to quit, they threatened me with compensation for breaching the contract. They also did not keep up their promises to pay overtime fee. I’ve witnessed that when a worker complained to the local authorities about exploitation of employer, he was beaten by the gangsters hired by the employer. The most serious cruelty is that the employers are keeping the passports of their workers to curb and control them. Few migrant workers here may have no serious problems. Most of them have many difficulties. As we do not have another option, we are just to bear unpleasant situations.”

Taking advantages on the emergence of foreign labor markets, Myanmar youth planned to go to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the Middle East countries. However, some persons experienced troubles in these countries. As an alternative option, some Myanmar youth chose Papua New Guinea and small African nations for jobs.

“Brokerage for employment in Papua New Guinea is not expensive. Basic salary offered is over US$ 800. The job agency granted me to secure a good post at a supermarket. Then I arrived in Papua New Guinea. I actually got the job according to their promise, and received the salary and post as have promised. However, I experienced a shocking event on my first day in job. Our supermarket was burgled. Two security men were killed in the incident. This is my first dreadful experience in job. I could not go around even in downtown without companion. Robbery may occur at any time and I may be killed unexpectedly there. Therefore, I dare not go alone the outside of my apartment at my spare time, and just to pass such period in my room. I’ll stay in that country until my bond is expired. As Papua New Guinea is a member of the Common Wealth Nations, I will bear any difficulty at present as I have planned to live in the United Kingdom,” said Ko Ye Khaung who is working at supermarket in Papua New Guinea.

While migrant workers are facing difficulties abroad, some potential expatriate students are also experiencing many difficulties and troubles in Myanmar.

Systems of student visas were changed in 2009 according to the Points Based System Tier 4 in the United Kingdom, the most preferred country of Myanmar youth. Then the number of Myanmar students who become interested in the UK’s colleges and universities has increased. Few number of Myanmar migrant students emphasized only on the education. Instead, they headed to the United Kingdom for jobs, and they faced some difficulties.
Moreover, as Myanmar migrants in the UK are weak in the fluency of English language, the UK Border Agency has issued the need of English language skills for the companion of expatriate students. This new restriction has caused some difficulties for the would-be migrant students.

Commencing from late 2009 and early 2010, Australian government adopted a new system of PR application in which the applicants are exempted from the reference of any society or residents across Australia. The applicants can view the Skilled Occupation Lists at respective websites. As the lists are usually changed every year, the criteria of Myanmar youth will not always match the needs of labor force in that country. Therefore, this system has some limitations for the migrant workers.

“Potential Myanmar migrants need to take for some time in the process of application for resident visa in Australia. Although a certain degree and skill of a would-be migrant will match the needs of their country in that year, some changes may occur in the next year. Only the persons came of rich families may afford to go to this country. There are many restrictions for the application of student visa in Australia. Even the talented Myanmar people cannot easily go to Australia if they do not have enough financial status,” said an observer of Australia’s education.

Moreover, the need of English language skills has been raised for migrants, and the expatriate students who completed medical subjects in Australia are not allowed for internship at the medical field in the country. Therefore, some Myanmar students had to return home without getting medical degree.

Some Myanmar youth are trying to settle in the United States through scholarship programs presented by NGOs and INGOs of that country.

“Most of Myanmar migrants go to the United States with the help of relatives in that country. The total cost may be about K 10 million even the candidate has won a scholarship to study in that country. Moreover, the application of student visa may be rejected by the immigration authorities if the intended school in the United States is not sound and valid,” according to a Myanmar youth who have applied for scholarship at a college in the United States after taking SAT.

In addition, only small number of DV Lottery Winners got a chance to settle in the United States. Some of these winners were rejected from this program as they failed the interview of English language skills at US Embassy in Myanmar and they did not fill their CV forms correctly.

Most of the DV Lottery Winners will be able to continue their lives easily in the US only when they have their relatives in that country. If not, they may face some difficulties.
According to the immigration policy of Japan, most of the universities in that country accept the expatriate students who have passed Japanese Language Level 2 test. Therefore, the number of migrants to that country is in normal rate, and most of migrant graduates have eventually settled in Japan.

“There are many entry restrictions in countries where most Myanmar people are going. Myanmar people have access only to the education market that can increase the per capita income and GDP of their countries. They invited young Myanmar people to study in their countries by advertising their schools in the market in Myanmar. However, they cannot provide jobs for the youth and there are some youth who return home after studying there. It is essential for Myanmar people to understand the immigration policy the countries to be visited,” according an international education expert.

“There are migrant problems not only in developing countries but also in regional countries. This is like the poor who want to depend on the rich. Status of Myanmar people will decline if they go abroad for jobs in the pretext of education. Before they go abroad to study, they should set their career plans,” said international education consultant U Aung Kyaw San.
However, one of the important factors at present is that going abroad means hope of prosperity for most Myanmar people.

Some Myanmar people who had gone abroad to study later decided to work and settled there. Some have difficulties abroad and have to struggle for a living, taking whatever jobs they get. According to a survey last year, there were over four million Myanmar people going abroad and the number is rising.

While the number of Myanmar migrant is increasing, most of the expatriates abroad are
facing many difficulties there. Potential migrant workers are now facing dilemma to choose the destination country.


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