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Wednesday 4 January 2012

new treatment that kills breast cancer cells by ‘cooking’ them — and it works in just minutes.

Boiling breast tumours kills them in 10 minutes: Doctors develop treatment using targeted electrical current

Last updated at 3:02 AM on 22nd November 201
The treatment, known as Preferential Radio-Frequency Ablation, is being pioneered by doctors in Sweden
The treatment, known as Preferential Radio-Frequency Ablation, is being pioneered by doctors in Sweden
Doctors have developed a new treatment that kills breast cancer cells by ‘cooking’ them — and it works in just minutes.
The procedure uses a targeted electrical current to heat tumours to 70-90c (160-190f). 
Studies show this kills cancer cells in ten minutes — the woman can then go home or back to work shortly afterwards. 
The treatment, known as Preferential Radio-Frequency Ablation and carried out under local anaesthetic, is being pioneered by doctors at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. 
Dr Karin Leifland, the radiologist overseeing the research, says the technology could become an alternative to surgery for women with early stage breast cancer. 
Similar treatments using radio-frequency ablation are already being used to treat kidney, liver and bone cancers.
‘It is like boiling an egg,’ explains Dr Leifland. 
‘The tumour is heated to such an extent that the cancer cells are killed off, while leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed.
‘The treatment is suitable mainly for women with tumours which are smaller than 2 cm and are contained in a single lump. 
'There is no pain or scar afterwards and within minutes of the treatment, women can leave the hospital and go home or back to work.’ 
Doctors use ultrasound to guide a thin, needle-like electrode into the middle of the tumour in the breast.
An electric current is then put through the electrode to heat the tumour to up to 90 c, killing it while leaving the surrounding tissue unharmed.
Afterwards, the dead tissue is left inside the body and turns into a harmless scar. Only one treatment is needed. 
Women are checked using MRI scans, mammograms and ultrasound after one, six and 12 months, and then every year to make sure the tumour is dead and the cancer has not spread.
If they require further treatment such as chemotherapy, this is carried out in the normal way after the procedure.
So far, patients have been followed up for up to two years, and none has had a recurrence of the disease
So far, patients have been followed up for up to two years, and none has had a recurrence of the disease
More than 80 patients have undergone this technique as part of three studies, all of which show the therapy to be effective. 
So far, patients have been followed up for up to two years, and none has had a recurrence of the disease.
Dr Leifland says the technology could be particularly useful for women with slow-growing breast cancers who are unable to undergo surgery because they are elderly or have underlying health conditions such as diabetes or respiratory problems.
It is also much cheaper than surgically removing a lump, she adds.
‘Within five years, this could be a mainstream treatment. The actual treatment is not expensive, although the scanning required to check women afterwards — particularly MRI scans which are needed because they give much greater detail than other types of scans — are costly.
‘However, it is still a cheaper option than surgery as the woman does not need to stay in hospital overnight or have a general anaesthetic,’ she explains.
A possible concern is that if the tumour and surrounding tissue are not surgically removed from the body, stray cancer cells may remain which could spread.
However, doctors hope findings from ongoing research will show this is not the case.
Commenting on the research, Martin Ledwick, Cancer Research UK’s head information nurse, says: ‘It’s good to see research being carried out to look at alternatives to surgery for women with breast cancer. 
'This study was small and at an early stage, so it’s difficult to say whether or not it will change how breast cancer will be treated in future.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2064568/Boiling-breast-tumours-kills-10-minutes-Doctors-develop-treatment-using-targeted-electrical-current.html#ixzz1iLrJgodI

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