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Thursday, 8 November 2012


peninsula plaza
I am in my sixties too.And about the same thing happened in Peninsula Plaza. This time with a Burmese shopkeeper – a young lady.
I buy regularly buy from another shop which went out of stock. So I went to this shop which had the stock. The label was for $6 but when asked, ’ how much’, she said $10.I showed her the label and also told her I used to buy the same for only for $4 at another shop.
Than she started with her crude cursing quietly under her breath. Nooo, I am not a typical Sinkie to walk away without a fight. I was a Ranger in my army days.Besides, I am a paying customer and I don’t need to take her shit.
I gave her my piece of my mind loudly and told her to learn some manners first. Yes, I had been to Mynmmar several times and their Buddhist culture expressly forbids such mannerism towards an elderly. Her behaviour would have put her under the most lowly class in Burma. And yet she owns a shop in Singapore! Mama Mia.
Anyway, she suddenly went limb and meek. So was the young punk full of bodily tattoos. I bet they never expected me to tell them off there and than. Had the punk raised his hand, I would whack–never mind the consequences. Dignity is worth saving.
I have traveled extensively and such anti social behavior are never tolerated in their own country. In Mynmmar, she would have been beaten by the mob whereas here, they behave as if Singapore is their fiefdom. Why? Why? Why?
PAP. It is because of PAP foreigner’s first policy we are treated such. F##K YOU PAP.

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