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Friday, 19 August 2011

Foreign worker at minimart curses customer, but boss can't do anything

Posted on 19 Aug 2011

STOMPer Winnie Tan was cursed at by a foreign shop assistant at a minimart in Ang Mo Kio Avenue 4 when she wanted to buy some pears.

When the STOMPer complained to the minimart's boss, he told her that foreign workers were 'hard to find' and that if the shop assistant left, he would have trouble finding other workers to help him.

The STOMPer described the incidents in detail:

"Last Saturday, Aug 13 at about noon, I went to a minimart in Ang Mo Kio Avenue 4 to buy some fruits and groceries.

"I took two bags of oranges and I saw a carton of pears outside the shop. I asked the shop assistants for help but everyone was so busy at that time and no one helped me.

"So, I picked up a plastic bag and took five big pears.

"A shop assistant (a female in her mid 20s from Myanmar) snatched away my bag of pears.

"She raised her voice at me and was grumbling away. I told her nicely that I want to buy five big pears for prayers.

"She wouldn't allow me to take the five pears. She asked me to take the smaller ones instead.

"I told her I would pay according to the weight and not according to the size. But she refused and scolded me. She was very rude to me.

"I told her to be more flexible and since I want to buy the bigger ones, why not? After all, it was still business for them, right?

"On my way to the cashier, she shouted at me and said 'I curse you die faster, die early and best of all die in a car accident'. Everyone at the shop was shocked, including myself.

"I told the lady boss about this but she did not ask the shop assistant to apologise to me.

"What kind of attitude and service is this? Why must customers be bullied by foreign workers?

"I have patronised this shop for more than 10 years. I buy groceries and veggies from them every day and spend $500 with them every month. The female assistant only joined them about one and a half year ago.

"Yesterday (Aug 17), on my way back from the market at about 1.15pm, I saw the same person sitting at a void deck. She saw me and became abusive again.

"I called her boss and told him about the incident.

"The boss said, 'It's very hard to find foreign workers now, if she leaves, I can't find workers to work for me.'

"Is he trying to tell me that I have to tolerate the bad behaviour from his worker?

"Their service is very bad and attitude is wrong. I can't tolerate this."

Ref:Stomp News

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